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'A gaping silken dragon,/Puffed by the wind, suffices us for God./We, not the City, are the Empire's soul:/A rotten tree lives only in its rind.'

Sunday 15 April 2012

Slow small scale progress

The refurb continues, with the sandshields done and undercoated. As I am using Humbrol enamels, it is, of course, taking time to make progress. Is it just me or did matt colours dry much more quickly in the good old days? So, I thought I'd have a crack at my flats. Thinking that I probably could do least damage with the trees, I started with the two pine trees. I've only done same base coats, but it isn't looking good so far...

This flat painting business is going to be interesting/frustrating. Odd how one needs such different techniques for different types of miniature.

But to counteract slow progress on the figure front, I had a good day in the garden (bit of tidying up, a few nasturtiums - dark reds - and more Californian poppies in a few stony places), and on the allotment. I managed to dig over the last bed, which had been given a gratis covering of green manure (clover) from a neighbouring plot, dig out a trench that will eventually house the runner beans, and my wife did much soil sieving for parsnips, and the first lot of parsnip seed went in. Still far from perfect on the plot, but looking much better. Very satisfying, it makes me feel as if  am actually doing some good.


  1. Keep plugging away with those flats -it will be worth it.
    I too had a useful time in the garden sowing a variety of seeds under cover. Frost however was noted upon rising today.

  2. Thanks. I will really have to see the flats painting as a learning process. One of the problems (as with other, round, painting) is that photos and observations of the real things have a limited usefulness, as the key is somehow to capture the essential nature of the thing in such small scale. I will perservere. Yes, it was only a degree or two above freezing this morning in the Shire!
