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'A gaping silken dragon,/Puffed by the wind, suffices us for God./We, not the City, are the Empire's soul:/A rotten tree lives only in its rind.'

Wednesday 2 July 2014


... projects.

The great archaeological excavation of the toy soldier cabinet continues. Now I am happening on small groups of figures whose meaning is lost to time. Figures such as these:

Turks. But why? What did I have in mind? Not the Dardenelles, nor Turkish defeats against the Russians. But perhaps Enver Pasha and dreams of a new, entirely Turkic, Caliphate? Who knows? The true significance is lost, lost...
And these fellows:

Peninsular War ? Or perhaps the War of 1812 in 28mm ? No, that can't be right, as I have a much larger, incomplete project of the War of 1812 in 20mm plastics. So, why ?  As with all archaeology, I am thrown back on a standard interpretation - 'religious significance'.


  1. Is it just me or do those Turks look very angry?

    1. Dam' angry! It's the moustaches that do it - bristling ! Mind you, given that Johnny Turk was treated like s**t by his officers, I'm not surprised. Mind you, that doesn't excuse the aftermath of Kut.

  2. For unfinished projects, these are very well painted... I think you ought to see some of my attempts, sometimes- they bring a whole new meaning to term 'unfinished'!

    1. If they've got paint on them, then they are half way to finished! Keep going old chap!

  3. The Turks were for Back of Beyond, after reading many ripping accounts of spies and Pathans; the redcoats are Peninsular War fellows. You then switched from Peninsular to 20mm 1812.

  4. Ah, now I remember (shakes old head), yes, now I remember....
