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'A gaping silken dragon,/Puffed by the wind, suffices us for God./We, not the City, are the Empire's soul:/A rotten tree lives only in its rind.'

Sunday, 13 July 2014


... houses, and herbage.

Finally, the toy soldiers have completed the first stage of the re-barracking. This morning I took the last little tin chaps out to the Hobbit Bunker. A range of oddments, including:

Solid casts, given to me by a very old Danish lady; the figures had been her late husband's toys in the 1920s. The general opinion is that they are most likely to be by Heyde. I repainted a good number of their comrades, but these still await some attention at the repair depot.
And these, probably my favourite houses:

from Hovels for 25/28mm, and suitable for endless North European table top conflict.
Also some bits and pieces of herbage:

these being German flats for 30mm.
And a mix of scratch built for 25/28mm, and card for 20mm:


scratch built 28mm for SCW, or, when I hide the poster end here, Span-Am.


  1. I'd love some buildings like that for 1/32 (54mm).

    1. I wonder; apart from the Airfix stuff (command post, bamboo house etc), has anything very much ever been made in 1/32? I'm afraid it's out with the MDF, or the foamcore for you, my dear Major!

  2. 1920s figs and herbage great.Just popped onto the blog at half time in World Cup- come on Germany!

    1. Well, Germany did it. Fortunately. Was it Gary Linnekar who said, 'football is a funny old game. Two teams play for 90 minutes, and Germany win.'

  3. A nice selection. I do like Hovels models, but be warned. Denis (I think that's his name) is deleting some of his range as he considers them too small for modern figures (they are fine for old 25mm or 1/72 though).

    1. Thanks for that! Blast - I'm very low on the toy soldier funds at the moment!

  4. Looks like a box of fine old lads still full of fun.

    1. Indeed - they may have more than a touch of lead leprosy, but there's life in them yet.
