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'A gaping silken dragon,/Puffed by the wind, suffices us for God./We, not the City, are the Empire's soul:/A rotten tree lives only in its rind.'

Saturday, 26 May 2012


... a small one, but with space for me:


  1. Beautiful garden old chap. It is a credit to you.

    1. Thank you, kind sir. I just 'plough the fields and scatter...'

  2. An English Garden in the summertime. Cannot be beat!

    1. Especially if we have three weeks of spring rain suddenly followed by sun and warmth.

  3. Splendid arcadia- I can almost see/imagine house tomten lurking in the undergrowth awaiting milk...

    1. Now, that is interesting - I had to go and find out just what a tomten was. I've learnt something new!

  4. A veritable idyll. I can't attempt to identify those roses, but they are flowering a lot earlier than the ones down here. Intersting comment about the Tomten from tradgardmastare, I thought we were unusual in having a house gnome in our abode, but clearly they are more common than I thought.

    1. The yellow climbers in the second photo are 'Arthur Bell' - an absolutely marvellous variety that I would recommend to anyone. Very strong, vigorous growth, and, as for the blooms, well, it is just getting into its stride. Last year, at its height, I counted 120 blooms. It has a good scent too, especially in the early morning and late evening. The pink, I can't remember off-hand, but I'll look it up. This is only its third year, and the first that it has produced flowers. On the arch, it is paired with jasmine, an idea I got from newly restored public gardens in Paris a few years ago. The matching of roses and jasmine like this was a reference, in Medieval Europe, to the story of Abelard and Héloise. I like a bit of romance!

      I don't have a Tomten (see my reply to His Grace), but I do have other guardians - I shall post on them soon.
