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'A gaping silken dragon,/Puffed by the wind, suffices us for God./We, not the City, are the Empire's soul:/A rotten tree lives only in its rind.'

Wednesday, 14 August 2013


... not as in the music genre best enjoyed by the hard of hearing (of which I am one). Mind you, as a callow, nihilistic, Camus-infected teenager, I did rather like the track 'Bomber' by the heavy metal band, Saxon. But I digress. I put my current plastic on one side this evening after giving the innards of the Macchi a coat of Humbrol matt light green, and turned to some basic work on the new Irregular 42s arrivals:

These fellows will form a garrison regiment (of old men and, perhaps, invalids) for my current 42 project. I'll give them a quick spray of white undercoat before work in the morning, and then I can alternate between plastic Macchi and metal for a while.


  1. Any uniform colour thoughts for these chaps yet? Perhaps you can plan in an odd moment to and from work?

    1. Yes, it's a tricky one, but I'm beginning to think that dark blue or grey might do...

  2. I always give my reservists grey/white hair and moustaches

    1. Good idea! And, speaking as a grey haired/moustached/Van Dyked old bloke, I'm all for it! It shall be done.

  3. 'Bomber' was a Motorhead tune!

    1. I stand corrected! I was more of a Ska type myself. Mind you, would it be possible that Saxon did a cover version? Their Strong Arm of the Law was the only metal album I owned, so I'm wondering where I might have heard Motorhead??

  4. They are lovely. I daren't mull over them too long though as I've just committed myself to a 54mm metal project! It's so easy to get distracted in this hobby isn't it? ;)

    1. You said it! I wonder if it is like that for other hobbies - you know, 'Wow! That's another nice, shiny, ocean going yacht, just look at the funnels! Must have it!' . But, don't you think the officer here has bags of swagger! He's the toy soldier business.
