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'A gaping silken dragon,/Puffed by the wind, suffices us for God./We, not the City, are the Empire's soul:/A rotten tree lives only in its rind.'

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

The Yanks are coming...

.... x 2; Part the Second...

I haven't forgotten about the slow, oh, so slow, rejuvenation of my War of 1812 in 20mm plastics project. With enough British and Canadians for a small clash or two, I've turned my attention to the invader:

Poor photographs, but you can get the general idea - a decent US firing line.

Plenty of the little fellows, regulars to a man, probably enough for two regiments, depending on rules.

There are more to come for the firing line, but, next up will be:

What looks like a very useful set from those kind Ukranian types, Strelets. Of course, they could also be used for Canadian militia, for which I have already painted up useful poses (with 'round hats') from the Spanish irregulars range.

Actually, thinking about it, the US militia aren't x 2, but x 3, as I've artillery already on the go.

More soon, I hope. And then to the table top!!


  1. They look excellent. What rules do you intend to use for the period?

    1. Good question. There's a War of 1812 scenario in the One Hour Wargame book, so I'll give that a go first.

  2. Decent US... Decent... oh OK even though they were invading some of them were decent and these lads will represent them well on the table.

    Had a peak at the Strelitz on PSR, they look quite good. The over coat and top hats would do for Canadians but no hunting shirts! Too ironically American for the descendants of Loyalists and too likely to be mistaken for the enemy.

    Looking forward the the eventual table top clash.

    1. Yes, I inspected the figures more closely after I read this, Ross, and, you're right, most of them are in hunting shirts. Still, I've already got plenty of Canadian militia.

  3. Moving along nicely.Are you using the ! hour rules for the forthcoming game?

    1. Yes, it will enable another test of those rules, especially as there is a specfific 1812 scenario.

  4. Very smart...I look forward to seeing more soon.

  5. Very smart...I look forward to seeing more soon.

  6. The over coat and top hats would do for Canadians but no hunting shirts!

