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'A gaping silken dragon,/Puffed by the wind, suffices us for God./We, not the City, are the Empire's soul:/A rotten tree lives only in its rind.'

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Bold Irish lads...

... in 28mm metal. At the start of this year I was seduced by yet another period - the Peninsular in 28mm. And, as we all know to our cost, more projects mean greater speed to our mental disintegration. But it's fun! (Cue manic laughter). I also made the mistake (see earlier posts) of trying a 'new' painting technique which is currently being promoted in Battlegames Magazine - back to white (undercoat), with bright colour technique. It's all proving too much, and although the latest small batch of Wellington's bold Irish lads are not quite finished, the general weakness of my struggles is clear:

I feel that I have done these Hibernian heroes an injustice, and that I will have to return to black with washes for the next batch of Irish lads. Odd how the nationalists of Scotland, Ireland and Wales have forgotten how so many of their countrymen formed the cutting edge of the British Empire - particularly the Scots and the Irish. Brave lads all - and feared.

My last post featured some Starlux legionnaires in their famous white kepis. I meant to link to a marvellous blog that is well worth a visit - Mon Legionnaire: the classic French Foreign Legion in Wargaming, Literature, Pictures and History. I'll also add it to my favourites list below. It's top banana site!


  1. I think your usual technique works really well .However nothing lost by the experiment that cannot be rectified. Top Foreign Legion Site by the way.

    1. Since I posted 'em, I gave them the benefit of a wash (GW black wash - whatever it is called), and they look better. It's the case, though, that black undercoat makes tricky bits much easier - for a run of the mill paintsmith like m'self.

  2. I like these figures. I like them a lot.

    All the best

    1. Thanks, DCT! They look 'bright' at any rate.

  3. It's amazing what Irishmen are capable of when led by white officers.

  4. Arf,arf,arf! I shouldn't have laughed at that! But don't tell that Welly boot fellow that he was Irish too, whatever the business about stables and horses...

  5. Don't worry about it - I've flogged that gag to death so many times. As it happens Wellington didn't actually utter the famous line, it was said by Daniel O'Connell of him.

    1. Now, I didn't know that. I do wish historic figures would just say the things they were supposed to say.
