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'A gaping silken dragon,/Puffed by the wind, suffices us for God./We, not the City, are the Empire's soul:/A rotten tree lives only in its rind.'

Wednesday, 25 February 2015


... game.

If I procrastinate long enough a game does appear. Eventually.


Somewhere in England, early 1941...

at an important rail bridge, a Home Guard platoon is on watch. Waiting, waiting... On the left of the photo is Capt. Wellbeloved, local public school master, and lay reader at St. Wiggins-in-the-Fields. Centre is Major Toffit DSO, MC and bar; while Pte. Butts is the chap in the tin bowler.

At the other side of the rail bridge:

Pte. Bunch peers myopically down the track, wondering, waiting, feeling peckish.

An overview of the situation:

Those of you are are 'up' in the arcane law of our hobby might recognise the scenario. Have a further shufti:

It is, in fact, 'Scenario 40; Parachute Operation', from Scenarios For All Ages, by C. S. Grant (ALL HAIL!), and S. A. Asquith (ALL RISE!), published by CSG Publications (by the sign of the Claymore), Upavon, 1996.

So now we wait...

On the way out of my hobbit bunker this evening, feeling mildly pleased that I'd actually manage to assemble the beginnings of a game, I was brought low by this:

Something that I singularly not been doing on my allotment plot. Sigh.


  1. The scene is set,the game assembled,we wait for the first turn...
    BTW what rules are you intending to use?

    1. Yes, Alan, the wait might be rathe long. It'll bring the chaps' guard down, of course. Lyall's, I think.

  2. The scene is set,the game assembled,we wait for the first turn...
    BTW what rules are you intending to use?

  3. Nice looking set up Stephen. The mug is a eye turner as well. Please continue.

    1. Cheers, Paul. Yes, a brew is always called for.
