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'A gaping silken dragon,/Puffed by the wind, suffices us for God./We, not the City, are the Empire's soul:/A rotten tree lives only in its rind.'

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Production line...

... in small scale, using Plastic Soldier Company's Sdkfz 251s:

First thoughts about these PSC vehicles (the first I have built) are that they are well thought out, go together smoothly, and are provided with a very nice range of crew figures and stowage. The crew will be added before the hull top is attached, hence the current state of the production line.

The blank brick wall here reminds me of a side street by my grandparents' home in Bootle in the early 1960s. Steam locomotives pulled goods trains, timber came in from Canada, the back alleyways smelt dank, and the streets were full of gaps from the bombing. All gone now.

The figure walking away from the camera here represents a factory policeman - combined night watchman and armed guard. It's the sort of job (the night watchman) that, in another life, I would have liked. The brazier would have burned bright, the kettle would have sung, and I would have walked my rounds along the damp brick walls. A bit like the opening pages of Herman Hesse's Wandering, where he imagines different lives he might have lived.

It's not just armour on the table. In fact, there's more creeping around going on:


  1. I am really looking forward to building these. I am thinking about replacing the machine guns, but will make a decision when I actually see them in the flesh. Good comments about them here:

    Cheers, Dave

    1. Hi Dave. Thanks for the blog link - an excellent one that I'll link to. More on Hanomags tonight.

  2. What will happen next re creeping about we will see...
    Herman Hesse, a name from my past in terms of reading.When at Uni I bought quite a few of his novel from an "alternative" arty bookshop near Greyfriars Bobby just down from a games shop.Haven't read him in years,maybe give him a go again sometime.

    1. There are more creepers of all sorts (except Virginia, which is slowly dropping its red leaves) on the way - some still in the post, some nearing the painting table, and all, hopefully, in action before toooo long. On Hesse, at our age we are probably safe with Hesse - Wandering and Kilingsor's Last Summer are my preferred choices. Oddly, I can't remember the bookshop you mention - was it down opposite the back wall of the Covenanter's jail?

  3. They look rather good - I've a box of them sitting at home. I shall watch with interest.

    1. Now, Kinch, given your dam' Yankee comment, I'm not sure I'm still talking to you! But, yes, give the Hanomags a go, they're quick to assemble, but the painting is a longer job with extra kit and crew.
