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'A gaping silken dragon,/Puffed by the wind, suffices us for God./We, not the City, are the Empire's soul:/A rotten tree lives only in its rind.'

Sunday, 2 December 2012


... I've been greatly heartened by the response I've had to my Fidelista struggles in 20mm. So, I spent a bit of this evening sanding down the 'berets', and PVA'ing the Commies (although they didn't officially become Commies until after the BoP). The berets look much more acceptable now, and I think they might work. I've also been trying to find some more kit for both sides. I thought that given that I have had to use a Roco Minitanks M41 (as far as  know, there is no other suitable kit or model out there), I would stick to 1:87 for more kit, e.g., jeeps, another M41, T34/85s, M8s, trucks. But it is proving very hard to source any of these at a reasonable price. The really annoying thing is that, for example, I can get M41s and US 'Deuce and a Halves' from Germany, via ebay, but the postage costs exceed the price of the models! I'll just keep looking, order some boxes of IMEX Korean War types, and keep an e-eye out for Minitanks.

I can't sign off, however, without a toy soldier photo. My grandson (three, soon to be four years old) is a great super-heroes fan (especially the Incredible Hulk), so much time is spent playing super-heroes with him. And there are some excellent little figures out there:

These come inside capsules buried in small chocolate eggs. What a brilliant idea! Perhaps our toy soldiers should come similarly packaged. But, then again, it might lead to an erosion of the wonderfully toned and muscled bodies that typify us middle-aged wargamers....


  1. Odd that there are at least 2 companies with 1/72nd Pattons & Pershings but the only 1/72nd Bulldog is diecast and probably pricier than the Rocco though at least the trucks, jeeps etc could be got cheaply in kit form as well as T34/85's for the Soviets.

    1. Yes, it must be practically the only common bit of armour that isn't catered for in 20mm. I wonder why?

  2. Several years ago Kinder did put toy soldiers in their chocolate eggs, they were 54mm swoppet types, 3 or 4 to each set of Samurai, Zulus, Knights in armour, Crossbowmen, Napoleonics and wild west. They are highly sought after by collectors these days and sell for about £9 each on ebay!
    Best wishes, Brian

    1. I wonder when the Collector Gene will be identified? And will it just be found in the male of the species? As you might have guessed, I'm now struggling to NOT find out more, or buy the Kinder egg fellows!!! I do like the little chunky super-heroes though, and the eggs are only 99p!

  3. Yeah, "toned"...yep, that's how I'd describe it...
