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'A gaping silken dragon,/Puffed by the wind, suffices us for God./We, not the City, are the Empire's soul:/A rotten tree lives only in its rind.'

Sunday 8 April 2012


Easter Day greetings to all. I am not a practising Christian, but, I suppose, I am, inevitably given my age and generation, a cultural Christian, and that's not a bad thing to be. There were plenty of signs of resurrection today in the garden:

I, finally, managed to get a few hours in on the allotment, digging over a couple of beds and planting onion setts (Stuttgart).

Plant of the moment is Siberian Bugloss - absolutely first rate 'Back of Beyond' name, and a retiring sort of chap who likes shady spots, and sports a rather fine bright blue flower:


  1. Your garden is looking good. Monday is plant ordering day here at work, so I have made sure we get some Brunnera macrophylla on your recommendation.(It can be a martyr to slugs so watch out)!

  2. My thanks, good sir! And I bow to your Latinate knowledge - I have trouble enough remembering common names! The bugloss is now guarded by a small scattering of blue death - thanks. the bugloss is in its second year in my garden and last year it wasn't troubled at all by slugs, however I suspect that was because the really hard winter killed most of the devils off, I hardly saw one all last summer. Even my hostas escaped last year. Mind you, that 2010/2011 winter nearly did for my potted bay trees - which are now sadly hacked about, but shooting afresh.
