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'A gaping silken dragon,/Puffed by the wind, suffices us for God./We, not the City, are the Empire's soul:/A rotten tree lives only in its rind.'

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Clear the decks

The great Hawker 'Weather Build' starts on Tuesday, 1st May, so rather than start anything new, I thought I would clear the decks of bits and pieces that have been hanging around for a while:

Rather a mixed lot - some early war Germans in 28mm who will go on to annoy my stalwart Home Guard fellows; a small batch of gunners and heliograph types for the Sudan; some Jack Tars for FLW; a 10.5cm howitzer for the Afrika Korps; a Bohler 47mm for my Roumanians; and a Lince (looking very much like its Dingo forbear) for my RSI die-hards in 28mm. Mmm, 'focus', 'prioritise' ... NEVER!

I'm rather looking forward to the Hawker Weather Build, as it's about six years since I bashed an aircraft kit (I just haven't the space for the things), and I've already had fun thinking about the finish for my Hurricane. I have 1:72 Hurricanes in RAF, Finnish, Soviet, Roumanian, Jugoslav, Portuguese and RAAF colours, and I had thought about a Turkish Hurricane. However, Turkish markings were a little limited, so I think I will plump for a western desert Hurricane ... but I may change my mind.

The Weather Build event is being led by the Plastic Warriors blog from New Zealand, and one of the great things about this blogging malarky (in terms of toy soldiers and wargaming) is how many bloggers keep in touch from the UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the USA, and Ireland. Of course, we all speak the same language (and I haven't forgotten about Irish Gaelic - something that I've only heard university types speak in Dublin). I can't remember the fellow's name, but some famous Frenchy of a literary bent once said, 'my homeland is my language'. An interesting thought. But, then, he was an egghead. Still, despite our different paths, there is obviously, still, some linguistic-cultural link, even at the level of this sub-culture of toys.


  1. I look forward to following the "Weather build" come tomorrow. What make are the sailors for FLW & are they Army Red or Black or...

  2. It occurred to me over breakfast that I will have to make a Volkes filter for my Hurricane - so it might be a different version after all. The figures are SoldierPac (which, I think, no longer exists). Army Black would make sense ... but ...

  3. My dear old fellow, you and I share the well-known 'Butterfly Syndrome'. I have no doubt I will shortly see those sailors in the proud colours of Army Turqoise-and-Orange.

    1. Sir, you do me an injustice! At least my 'Butterfly Syndrome' is allied to my IRON WILL, which means that, unlike some (ahem!), I am not surrounded by lead mountains. ('Iron willed Nietzschean butterflies'. Something not quite right there).

  4. That's what I call a busy painting table ;) nice one!


    1. And I thought it looked pretty clear....yikes... off to the psychoanalyst again. Sigh.
